lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

La Agencia de emergencias USA (FEMA) se prepara ante posible terremoto en falla Nueva Madrid (Missouri)

He leído un documento que circula por la red con fecha 22 de enero del 2011, en el que se alerta a la población por parte del (FEMA) Federal Emeregency Agency (Los creadores de los campos de concentración en USA), en este se insta a la población para que hagan acopio de víveres,alimentos y también solicita proveedores de comida para una población de 7 millones de personas,todo esto ante un posible terremoto en la falla Nueva Madrid en el estado de Missouri, no hace falta decir que todo esto me parece un tanto extraño,¿Estarán preparando un nuevo ataque Haarp ?,repito que cada uno saque sus propias conclusiones.Aquí les dejo una pagina que habla acerca del Haarp, si les interesa el tema, es fácil en Google buscar "Haarp". by ARX

T he Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged
commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster
survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of
supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the
sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

- Serving Size - 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories - 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters - 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat - 0;
- Saturated Fat - 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat - 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium - 800-930 mg;

Requested Menus to include snacks (i.e. fruit mix, candy, chocolate/peanut butter squeezers, drink mix, condiments, and utensils). All meals/kits must have 36 months of remaining shelf life upon delivery. Packaging should be environmentally friendly.

- Homestyle Chicken Noodles
- Potatoes
- Vegetarian Pasta
- Green Pepper Steak w/Rice
- BBQ sauce w/Beef and diced
- Chicken w/Rice and Beans
- Chicken Pasta

The following questions are put forward to interested parties:

1. Please specify the type of organization responding to the questions (i.e. small business, large business, industry association, etc.) If a small business, please specify all Small Business Administration socioeconomic programs under which your organization qualifies.

2. Does your organization have a product available that meets all the specifications above?
If the answer is "Yes:" What is the country of origin?
If the answer is "No:" (a) Can your organization produce such a product? (b) What would be the product lead time? (c) What country are the manufacturing plants located in?

3. Can your organization delivery the product to a specified location within a 24 hour period

4. Please provide an implementation plan for critical delivery orders and delivery surge orders.

5. What states do you already have contracts in place with to provide these types of products?

6. Please detail the type of meals and quantities you can provide for each day following a disaster.

7. Please provide alternatives to the meal specifications that your organization can provide.

8. What type of delivery schedule would your organization recommend for the meals?

9. Does your organization have the capabilities to deliver products directly to FEMA's CONUS Distributions Centers?

10. Can your organization track deliveries from point of origin to point of delivery?

11. What is your lead time for delivery once FEMA has placed an order?

Interested parties may also provide brochures, web links, or other literature about their cots available for the specified users. Responses to this RFI are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract.

Vendors are encouraged to ask the Government questions regarding this potential requirement. Questions must be submitted in writing to Julieann L. Phillips at not later than 2:00PM, 26 January 2011 to be answered. Responses to questions will be provided not later than 2:00PM, 03 February 2011. Request for Information closing date is 03 February 2011.
Contracting Office Address:
500 C Street SW
Patriots Plaza -- 5th Floor
Washington, District of Columbia 20472

Primary Point of Contact.:
Julieann L. Phillips,
Phone: 202-646-3234
Fax: 202.646.1765